We’ve always rounded off the GMF with a ‘closing” party in a local pub. For 2025 we are stepping up a gear and encouraging all the town’s pubs and restaurants to get in on the act with a festival party. Anticipated venues (times and details to be confirmed ) are:

- The Canal Tavern: free entry, live music from Swingletree, Whistling Treason and Morena Slovak Musicians. All welcome especially boaters and campers from our pop-up camp site.
- The Dandy Lion: Free entry. Always busy and a great new menu
- The Stumble Inn: Free entry, the town’s most welcoming traditional pub.
- The Three Horseshoes: live band, free entry. Always packed out and a great night guaranteed.
- Venue tbd: Ticketed concert with three very popular local bands.
Watch this space for more details. If you’d like your venue to have a party, cèilidh or evening event please email us.